This morning I took the metro to go to church (Mom, are you reading this?) Baku has a system similar to DC's Smartcard; you get a plastic card, swipe it as you enter, and top it up when it runs low.
It's been a couple of weeks since I added money. This morning I wasn't in a rush to get to work, so decided to take a few minutes and top it up. The machine wouldn't accept my crumpled 5 manat bill. An employee came to help me out (well, I was holding up other passengers, you know how irritating THAT is). He pointed out that there are 21 rides on my card. Did I really want to add another 25? Well, no, thanks very much, I guess I don't.
This was done without either of us speaking the other's language but it was all very clear.
1 metro ride anywhere on the Baku metro is 20 qopeks. (100 q = 1 manat) I have the DC system in my head, where it costs $2.65 or whatever to go from Ballston to Federal Triangle, and more during rush hour, and more if you're going's easy here.
And this farecard will last me until fall break!
So what is 1 manat...about $1.00? So that is 5 cents a ride? I think I'd ride all day Saturday and Sunday. And I bet their escalators even work. Linda