Thursday, September 2, 2010

Discovery Channel

Before I came to Baku, I read guidebooks which advised against riding the metro because it's so dangerous, but no specific reasons as to why--robberies? crashes like the DC metro? One of my students (from the U.S.) told me that he's "not allowed" to ride the metro because "the embassy won't let us. It's the most dangerous subway in the world!"

Then I got to Baku, started riding the metro, no problems, easy! easier than DC! The other day I went online to read up on the specifics.

The most dangerous subway in the world got its title due to an accident in October 1995. An electrical spark in the rails started a small fire, but because the seats in the cars were made of highly flammable toxic materials, the smoke spread quickly and 300+ people died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

I was riding the subway this morning, thinking about the worst subway disaster in history. Then I thought about all the people riding with me looking at the American sitting there. They were probably thinking about that dangerous country, America, where everyone carries a gun and shoots it off whenever they're pissed.

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